Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Last Decade Countdown

Ten years ago, almost to the minute (if my memory's correct), I did the best thing of my life. I married Sam for time and all eternity in the house of the Lord. Here's my countdown of the last ten years:

10 - Years
9 - jobs
8 - years of schooling
7 - rain jackets
6 - bikes
5 - homes
4 - boys
3 - schools
2 - Subaru's (plus 2 other cars, I had a hard time with the 2's) and
1 - amazing spouse later,
I wouldn't change a thing.

I love you Sam and I can't wait for all the decades (and happily ever after that) to come!


Braydan and Jessica said...

I love countdowns :) 5 homes? I didn't know that. Hope you guys had fun tonight. The boys were great.

Amber said...

Happy Anniversary! Fun list. =) You two are great!

Laura A said...

Happy, Happy, Happy anniversary!